Thursday, April 16, 2009

More of Isaac

Yesterday we got the pictures and slideshow from Sheila, the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep photographer. I can't believe how wonderful the pictures are. And the slideshow...just get the tissues. I'm including some info about the song used in the slideshow, "Smallest Wingless." For those of us who just went through this and for those of you who've lost a child, this song will break your heart. Every word is true.

From Craig Cardiff's website:
The song 'Smallest Wingless' paints two parents welcoming a newborn into the world, only to be told that the child is sick, and will only survive a few hours. "The premise for this song came from a friend who is a photographer volunteering with the organization and hearing her stories about what parents went through." Stark lyrics (sadness is just loved wasted, with no little heart to put it inside) are beautifully framed by piano and string quartet.


Ben and Whitney Evely said...

Beautiful! I am so humbled by the strength of you and your family, and the joy on everyone's faces. Isaac is truely loved and will never be forgotten!

sarah s said...

that was so beautiful. thank you for sharing him with us.

Stacy D said...

So beautiful... thank you so much for sharing.

I think of you guys and pray for you so often...

~ Stacy

~ Kelly said...


What a beautiful tribute.


Tammy On the Go said...

This little boy I have never met, is now inside my heart. I have no words but a thank you for sharing him with us.